4 thoughts on “Video Interviews

  1. Nice job with the interviews. I agree with a lot of what your interviewees said. I think that videos do keep the attention of students longer than a teachers lecture. I also agree that videos are a great way to introduce a topic givng students some background.

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  2. Nice job with the interviews. I agree with a lot of what your interviewees said. I think that videos do keep the attention of students longer than a teachers lecture. I also agree that videos are a great way to introduce a topic giving students some background.


  3. I really enjoyed watching your interviews. I appreciate that you interviewed teachers of all different subjects and grade levels. It was interesting to see how they utilize multimedia in their classroom to support student learning. Many of the intervieews mentioned they use GoNoodle, my students love doing GoNoodle for brain breaks and also kinesthetic learning.


  4. Great interviews. I am impressed that your colleagues not only use videos for teaching but have developed assessments for them as well. I heard that the videos can break up the class period engaging the students when they get bored listening to the same person, the teacher, lecture.


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